Meet the Secretariat
Together with a staff of over 100, the Secretariat is the dedicated team that makes BUSUN happen every year.
Dre Boyd-Weatherly
Dre Boyd-Weatherly (‘26) is EXHILARATED to serve as Secretary-General for BUSUN XXVIII! Dre was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is currently pursuing a concentration in International and Public Affairs on the Policy and Governance Track. She has been involved with Model UN since starting her freshman year at Brown, and has previously served as Director of External Affairs and has staffed for BUSUN XXVI. Outside of MUN, you can find Dre doing ballet, watching Gossip Girl, or singing songs from various musicals such as Hamilton and Anastasia. She is so excited to see everyone in November!
Robayet Hossain
Robayet Hossain (‘26) is DELIRIOUS to be serving as one of BUSUN XXVIII’s Secretary-Generals this year. Robayet is originally from a small rural village in Chittagong, Bangladesh, and was raised in the vibrant city of New Orleans, Louisiana, for the majority of his meaningless life, which took a (drastic) turn when he unfortunately chose to concentrate in computer engineering at Brown. Robayet has been involved in MUN since freshman year of high school, and was a Louisiana state presiding officer; he continued his MUN journey at Brown, becoming a member of the travel team and serving as chair and committee director for past iterations of BUSUN. Outside of MUN, you can find Robayet frolicking on the Main Green, building NASA rovers for giggles, listening to the same songs on repeat, and pulling all-nighters for absolutely no reason. He loves everything related to STEM and dislikes everything difficult about it, but Model UN has never given him that much strife!
Jared Lebovitz
Jared Lebovitz (‘26) is ELATED to be serving as BUSUN XXVIII’s Chief of Staff this year. From San Jose, California, Jared is concentrating in Economics and Political Science and has competed in Model UN conferences since high school. Outside of Model UN, Jared is busy yapping at the Brown Political Union, Alexander Hamilton Society, and PPE Society, but also has time to research exhilarating tax policy with the City of Providence and plays for Brown’s world-famous Club Ice Hockey Team. In his free time, Jared enjoys reading, going to the gym, collecting obscure hockey jerseys (currently focused on defunct teams from the 1920s/1930s), and rooting for many different sports teams (none of whom can ever win a championship).
Lucas Pham
Lucas Pham (‘27) is EXCITED to serve as the Director-General of BUSUN XXVIII and is currently studying Behavioral Decision Sciences and Music at Brown. He is from Huntington Beach, California, where he participated in Model United Nations for 4 years and served as Secretary-General. Last year, Lucas was the Chair of the Modern Family crisis committee of BUSUN and was Assistant Director for the Social, Cultural and Humanitarian committee at the National High School Model United Nations conference in New York City. On campus, Lucas is also involved in the Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vietnamese Students Association, and Brown Student & Community Radio.
Maxwell Robinson
Max Robinson ‘26.5 is THRILLED to be serving as BUSUN XXVIII’s Under Secretary-General of General Assemblies this year. Max grew up in Zionsville, Indiana, and is currently pursuing a concentration in Applied Mathematics-Economics on the Advanced Economics track. Max developed his passion for diplomacy while studying abroad in Delhi, India after his senior year of high school. Outside of BUSUN, you can find Max taking photos for the Brown Daily Herald, learning (on a steep curve) to ballroom dance with the Brown Ballroom Dance Team, rewatching Veep, or rewatching Veep again. He is looking forward to working with everyone come November!
Elijah Nelson
Elijah Nelson ‘27 is EXUBERANT to be serving as BUSUN XXVII’s Under Secretary-General of Specialized Committees this year. Elijah was born and raised in New York City, and has been doing Model UN for 7 years. At his High School he was the head of the organization and led it to be the most successful club in the school with the highest amount of participation among students. His appreciation for Model UN comes as it combines three of his favorite subjects: Politics, Rhetoric, and Social Engineering. Outside of MUN, Elijah plays an inordinate amount of strategy video games, Warhammer, drums, and ping pong. He loves music just as much as he loves living (too much!), and is studying IAPA (international and public affairs) at Brown.
Tucker Gibbs
Tucker Gibbs ‘27 is JUBILANT to serve as your Under-Secretary-General of Crisis Committees at BUSUN XXVIII. Coming to Brown from right here in Providence, Rhode Island, Tucker is concentrating in International and Public Affairs and History. Though he is concurrently serving as Head Delegate for Brown’s travel team, MUN isn’t Tucker’s only passion. You can usually find him on the water with the Club Sailing Team, rewatching the West Wing for the 27th time, discussing his cold brew coffee maker, or defending his favorite dining hall, the Ratty, from its many haters.
Cece Bartin
Cece Bartin (‘27) is OVERJOYED to be serving as Deputy Under-Secretary General for BUSUN XXVIII! Cece is from St. Louis, Missouri, and is currently a freshman here at Brown University. She’s a member of Brown Model UN and Brown Original Series. In her free time, Cece loves snowboarding, playing the violin, and hanging out with friends on the main green.
Carlo Kim
Carlo Kim (‘27) is ELECTRIFIED to be serving as Deputy Under-Secretary General for BUSUN XXVIII! Carlo was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California, and is planning to concentrate in History. He’s an active member of Brown Votes, the Student Labor Alliance, and the Ruth J. Simmons Center’s Slavery and Finance Research Cluster. In his personal life, Carlo is a passionate reader, a so-so poet, and a dogged Lakers fan.
Diane Dao
Diane Dao (‘27) is DELIGHTED to be serving as Director of External Affairs & Treasurer for BUSUN XXVIII! Diane is from Orange County, California, and is concentrating in Economics and International & Public Affairs. She participated in MUN for two years of high school, and has chaired for BUSUN in the past! In her free time, you can find Diane taking photos, doing nails, and going to the gym. Other than that, she might be trying a new coffee shop, or finding new spicy foods to snack on.
Harshil Garg
Harshil Garg (‘26) is INVIGORATED to be serving as Director of Operations & Technology for BUSUN XXVIII! Harshil is from the Bay Area, California, and is concentrating in International & Public Affairs and Economics. He has done MUN since freshman year of high school, and he currently actively chairs many high school conferences including the world-famous NHSMUN. Outside of MUN, he serves as a Copy Editor for Brown Political Review, a member of the Collegiate Consulting Group, and a researcher in a few history research projects. In his free time, he enjoys playing the French Horn, exploring historic sites and museums, and playing soccer with his friends.
Isabella Cerqueira
Isabella Cerqueira (‘26), originally from San Diego, California, is OVER THE MOON to take on the role of Director of Outreach for BUSUN XXVIII. Concentrating in International and Public Affairs, she decided to try out MUN here in college, and she’s excited to be a part of the team this year. Her interests extend beyond MUN; she’s involved in policy initiatives with Brown Democrats, contributes to research at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, and assists in perfecting models’ makeup and hair for Fashion at Brown photoshoots and runway shows. In her free time, you can catch Isabella indulging in her caffeine addiction at local coffee shops while binge-listening podcasts.