General Assembly
General Assembly Committees are the largest committees at BUSUN and simulate the standing committees of the UN General Assembly, as well as other traditional UN organs. They tackle a wide range of issues which affect all nations.
General Assembly Committees
GA 1: Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)
Topic 1: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS)
Topic 2: Transnational Firearms Trafficking and its Impact on Organized Crime and Violence
GA 3: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural (SOCHUM)
Topic 1: The Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Asia-Pacific Region
Topic 2: Human Rights Violations in Refugee Camps
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Topic 1: Promoting Women’s Leadership and Political Participation
Topic 2: Increasing Female Representation in Peacebuilding Negotiations
Chair: Alloma Fayzullaeva & Remi Takahashi
Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)
Topic 1: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Topic 2: Sovereignty Violations through Emerging Technologies
Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
Topic 1: Refugee Camps: A Permanent Temporary Solution?
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Topic 1: Biotechnology, Food Security, and Sustainability in Developing Nations
Topic 2: Addressing Global Health Crises in Developing Nations: Sovereignty, Accountability, and Effectiveness
Arab League
Topic 1: Preserving the Rights and Lives of Protesters
Topic 2: Increasing the Availability of Clean Drinking Water in Rural Areas
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Topic 1: International Companies and Offshore Tax Evasion
Topic 2: Global Land Acquisition
World Health Organization (WHO)
Topic 1: Issues of Drug Patents in Developing Countries
Topic 2: Incentives Relating to Organ Donations
If you have any questions about the GA committees, please contact the USG for General Assemblies, Maxwell Robinson, at